Let the Vision release the Expression, and may the Expression release the Vision.
Let the Vision release the Expression, and may the Expression release the Vision.
Faith centered Books, Poems, Essays and Articles written by me, the Author.
-Becky Butler
Broken Mom
Broken Mom
I fell for an eternity
I fell for an eternity
The Journey
The Journey
Footsteps of Desire
Footsteps of Desire
Start where you are at...
Start where you are at...
Be the Voice…
Be the Voice…
Be the Voice of Invisible Illness
Be the Voice of Invisible Illness

Be the Voice....(of Invisible Illness)

We are our own advocate, we are the only one's who can adequately relay what we experience with our physician's and the office calls, or procedural process is the time for us to open our mouth and inform our physician until they get it. 

Make a continual exerted effort to speak your symptoms resolved by medication or surgery and those unresolved, including the side effects of the medications we take, as those alone can cause a whole host of trouble. 

So we must be the VOICE of Invisible Illness, the FACE of Invisible Illness and the ADVOCATE of Invisible Illness by using the only thing we can, our mouth. 

Speak, speak, speak.  We are the patients; the one going through and suffering with dreadful disease. 

A good doctor is one who is open to their patients, listens to them, follows up on what they say, and perform tests and procedures to treat, and identify the cause of our complaint.  

This dynamic changes with us!  It changes through our voice!  Be the change you want to see in the course of Invisible Illness so that others may benefit from the trail you have blazed simply by SPEAKING.....


YOU make a difference.

Becky Butler


Surrounded by thoughts of good.
Surrounded by thoughts of good.
Caverns of Deliverance
Caverns of Deliverance



The tattered results of consumed beauty, weathered wings present to us the storms we've made it through. The things that though rise against me, do not win.

 I am a survivor. Scars speak of moments in the journey that I have survived. 

I look at the scar, the masterpiece as a painted butterfly, painted in the heart and hand of God. Because it speaks of my healing.

It speaks of what didn’t win. The positive whispers of Hope, edge out words of woe, 'Make it through. Keep going. Keep going.”

Soar. Let the migration take you into the new. Beauty is captured as a moment lights upon nectar's source. Loveliness shines despite the storms. 

Tattered places carry us through just as much as the smoothed ones do. 

- Becky Butler"


There is a bond wrought in song that stills, refills and at times chills. Each effect tangibly enhanced for honesty reverberates within the soul. It echoes within spaces left want, and connects me to life, my life, to live once again.

As dew upon blessing’s kiss.
As dew upon blessing’s kiss.

As dew upon blessing’s kiss.

The role of music in writing…
The role of music in writing…

The role that music plays in the heart of a writer, while creating and composing a work of art, graced with an ever welcoming Melody, that unlocks the depths permitting access to 

areas damaged from unmet need. Write your deepest prayer…

Let it rise, face it with an openness that moves us into Healing through the Grace of the Holy Spirit, resulting in purpose within His presence.

If we are open to listen for the lessons they will shift everything and things can begin to get better, for we’re on the path, we should be on. 

Forward and 

on into healing.

 Colossians 2:10 And ye are complete in himwhich is the head of all principality and power:

I wrote my book Earthen Vessels, to Carrie Underwood’s ‘Champion’ played it til the book was complete, because it just harnessed my focus and determination and when things start to get done, and fall into place, we fit into our space.

I wrote Vessels of Honor to a different yet equal variety of instrumental’s to drown out random ambient sounds, honing the ability to focus, even amidst the things that rise up solely for distraction and detraction.

Now I’m onto books number 7 & 8. I live to write and I write to live. And so it is. Let’s begin.   

Put passion on the page, our very lips drip as honey upon the stark sheets of white paper that is my heart, welcoming you to write, the insights, the nuance, and the core of your truth . Let it rise within, let it be expressed, live your truth. Write your deepest prayer….

-Becky Butler 

If wishes fell like rain….
If wishes fell like rain….

If wishes fell like rain then I am a desert, as I don’t depend upon wishful thinking. Those things we do to barter for an outcome closest to our favor.

If wishes fell like rain I would be absorbed within myself counting only my desires that would result in never having, doing or being enough. The echoes of worth dwindling away as desire floods, there is no way, there is no way, but up.

If wishes fell like rain it wouldn’t make a difference, as I trust in Jesus, rest in Jehovah and am adorned  in the Holy Spirit and those words of His truth that breathe life into my soul, alighting the spark of brilliance that will open as I shift, from deprivation and degradation into Provision, Grace, and Strength, and WORTH.

If wishes fell like rain, it would make me think that life is but wisps of a daydream. A fulfilllment of superficiality, that sates less and less. Freeing me for the concrete stability of the Chief Cornerstone in my life, so our foundations are laid in love. His love, God’s truth.

If wishes fell like rain, I would choose to pray. 

Becky Butler

Child’s Play
Child’s Play
No Regrets
No Regrets

Casting trust, individual and unique, timeless in seamless connectivity. 

Crafting the truth of depths distinction. 

Winding a vibrant identity within the leaves.

The seasonal whispers of doubt increase to dismiss, the ambitious balance of our hopes and dreams.

Trickling whispers dangle in truth. Is this a place that I can find you? The inviting abundance of August's Muse, lulled softly in nurtured diffuse. 

Joy unspeakable, lies in the intense spectrum of promise.

Rising to a place of honor, giddy with delight. Per chance to dream, unraveled seeds begin to need. 

Soil, water, nourishment, and protection from the elements. 

First, it must fight it's way into even seeing the light of day.

© Becky Butler


5 Year's Ago
5 Year's Ago

5 Year's Ago….

Part One 5 years ago

Five years ago, I didn't understand how my life would change; for the better and the worse but, ultimately for the best. 


I didn't know the resiliency I would have for life's adversities. I wasn't aware of the joy I have in conversations with three-year-olds. I didn't know five years ago that  I would have to fight to survive, more than once. Five years ago, I didn't see the fortitude I have to make it through something that wanted to take my life more than once.  

I didn't know I'd meet my love, who is so good to me.

I didn't realize that I would be able to let go of people I thought were permanent and more so that I wanted to be permanent. Five years ago, I wasn't aware of the power of letting go of what's not for me, and I didn't know the gift of fighting for the things that are.

 Becky Butler

Part Two-Five years ago

Five years ago, I didn't realize how hard I'd have to fight for a semblance of normalcy. That it would take all I had and then some to get through, and it still bowled me over.  

The only thing I could do was hang on to Jesus. I run after my God, to seek my King, and find Him amid my mess, open arms willing to embrace, to hold and pick me up and take me out of the trenches that I've been in for far too long. 

Five years ago, I didn't understand how I would struggle, and also how every single one of my dreams surpassed my confined mind's goals. I have had to let go of things I desperately wanted to be permanent in my life. But I have learned through letting go of the things not meant for me and letting God that I am where I need to be. In the presence of my Lord.

Five years ago, I didn't know I would put down the gift that I have been graced with and not do anything with it for a few years. I permitted my giftings to go dormant so that I could cope with my reality. I have found that I trust, I need my God and my giftings from Him, to carry me through and to deal effectively with whatever I face. 

Five years ago, I was unaware of how hard it would be to pick up again. But I knew beyond any measure of doubt in my Spirit that I needed to continue in the craft that keeps me. Writing my way through has always been how I achieve.  

I process and confront all that rages against me on the inside. Then I lay it at God's feet and permit Him the place of process and perspective in my life that I may see through His eyes and not my occluded humanistic vision that only sees in part. 

I give my all to the Lord and know that as He's carried me thus far, I will continue until my race is not simply done, but won.

Becky Butler

As far as the East is from the West.
As far as the East is from the West.

Psalms 103:12 As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions 

Regarding being forgiven for our mistakes. God doesn't even remember that about you. He forgot. Completely. And won't bring it back up. Ever. Ever. 

 Forgiveness, is a done deal. No regurgitation. God doesn’t keep bringing it up. Stop punishing yourself. For Gods not punishing you.

God takes my shattered pieces and makes a Masterpiece of my broken places called Mosaic. 

Kintsugi. Where the broken places are sealed with gold, for there is value in our brokenness. God values you. YOU ARE NOT A MISTAKE NOR ARE YOU AN ACCIDENT.  Enjoy life. You are allowed to have life work out for you. You are. And it will. Exhale, it’s  over. As Jesus said on the cross. It is finished. 

Grow your flowers in a place where they will no longer be shattered. 

You can take the broken places. Let God seal them in His love. Alighting them in gold. Gods gonna make that Mosaic for you. Give Him the pieces.  He will create in you and for you, a MASTERPIECE by the Master’s Peace. For you are a Masterpiece, held in His grace.


Becky Butler

Bachelor Button
Bachelor Button

I wanted to say something about this flower. I don't know what it is. It was contained in a packet of my sunflower seeds this past growing season. It magnificently caught my eye. So stunning to find this colored gem amidst all the golden petals and stems. A stunner, there all along. Waiting, ever, always to belong. My wonder and amazement at the ability of the seeds to all blend in, floored me. Oh how we all start out the same. Seedlings, in need of a home and a name. 

Often times when we plant seeds we tend to the soil and the weeds, to keep pristine what will come into being. We don't prepare ourselves oft enough for the gems. The gems of life bursting through, sustaining me and sustaining you. 

The potential, for discernable signs of life becomes ambiguous at this stage in the game. Most of the seedlings look the same. 

But then they are planted and the similarities change. Growing into what they were meant to contain. A tiny seed no longer seen, developing into what it is ordained to be. 

This is how seeds come. In the packets all of one, to be planted and enjoyed, and then call it done. But sometimes, just sometimes, there’s an extra one. That didn't belong, and wasn't as the label said. This bloom had something else in her head. Amongst the towering flowers, she blossomed making her way as the others through. Through the dirt and the mud, there is a triumph that surely was fought for and won. A label, so long ago applied, depicts amiss what is inside. 

Only when we've been planted, can we begin to grow. Amidst the thorn and beneath the glow, of the Sun’s rays for others to show, wherever we are is wherever we grow.

Becky Butler

(Isaiah 61:1-7) The plantings of the Lord shall blossom as trees of righteousness...

(Psalms 92:13-15)  Those that be planted in the house of our Lord, shall flourish in the courts of our God...

(1 Corinthians 3:6-8) I have planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase...

Note: The flower is called a bachelor’s button.

Beneath the Surface….
Beneath the Surface….

God is love. In Him we have a relationship that never fails.

His love for us remains, constant, versus the ebb and flow of our humanity. Perfect, we are not, and do not have to be. Only God is perfect, and we are perfected in His grace. We don't have to earn it.

We need to trust and believe it. We are never alone. We have each other and those close in our lives, not through physical proximity or anything, but who we connect with in life on far more than the surface levels.

The earth's surface decays, but the foundations of the earth, contain VALUE. Treasures precious. Impossible to man, but foundational to God. Emeralds, Rubies, Diamonds, Jasper, Veins of gold, silver, copper. Treasured. As are we. 

God doesn't use pressure to force us into things, but to show us He is continually creating within us a new thing, precious and treasured.

We don't have to earn God's love, it's freely given. We just need in life to be open to healing. Mind, thoughts, emotions, physical, etc. We are the pieces of rock, forged into Gemstones through God's gift of grace. We are always, always cherished in Him. Always. We are the emeralds, sapphire, jasper, with veins of gold, silver, and copper. God created us, He doesn't make mistakes. He loves. He is love. God is love.

Becky Butler


His ability, where mine falls short. To intervene with the divine and change course, direction, and intended destination to something that is above all that we can ask, think, or see. There are no limits on God’s path.

He wants us all to get there. May we be a people who intertwine ourselves with another, forming a tight bond of irrepressible love and support. Legacy. It’s what we build together that matters.

-Becky Butler

Be the Voice
Be the Voice

Be the Voice....

We are our own advocate, we are the only one's who can adequately relay what we experience with our physician's and the office calls, or procedural process is the time for us to open our mouth and inform our physician until they get it. Make a continual exerted effort to speak your symptoms resolved by medication or surgery and those unresolved, including the side effects of the medications we take, as those alone can cause a whole host of trouble, so we must be the VOICE of CROHN'S the FACE of CROHN'S and the ADVOCATE of CROHN'S by using the only thing we can, our mouth. 

Speak, speak, speak.  We are raised in a society that deems the physician is the expert and we are lay people. While in essence this is true, we are the patients; the one going through and suffering this dreadful disease. A good doctor is one who is open to their patients, listens to them, follows up on what they say, and perform tests and procedures to treat, and identify the cause of our complaint, not to simply dismiss a patient as uninformed and who doesn't know anything about why they are in the office to begin with.  

This dynamic has to change, and it changes with us!  It changes through our voice!  Be the change you want to see in the course of Crohn's, so that others may benefit from the trail you have blazed simply by SPEAKING.....

Becky Butler



The security that comes from being anchored to Love, Himself, carries me. Words are created from within, tinged with the people, things and places we have been. 

As the fingerprints of another impress upon our skin, caressed in the moment and loved within.

Awareness equates victory if we act on it. If we do something with it. If we apply and express it, things change, things shift for the better in our lives, when we raise the bar on our own expectations for ourselves to be support those around us to come up high𝐞𝐫.

𝐁𝐞𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐮𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐫


She wanted to impart beauty, vying the magnitude of her reflection. 

She mattered. She was enough, as is, flowing in her gift. No invitations of pretense to stir an otherwise restful afternoon. 

And then she saw it, hazily, as in a dream. The single solitary flower in the midst of overgrown weeds. Snarls tangled in the brush but there it was, a simple flower lighted upon by the Son setting confidence and esteem free.  Free enough to undo the shackles and take a chance at a glorious life.  

As memory cascades the cerebral, we are brought to a place where we have to decide what to stand for in this life. 

The beauty of it is, we don't have to settle.  We are more than enough. Faith brings us into seasons of utter and thorough activation as He shows up in the fullness of His  provision.  

Vision’s Expression:
Vision’s Expression:

Be you, no apologies for the space that you take up in this life. Own who you are.

My son, my heart’s beat,
My son, my heart’s beat,
Embrace the Dance
Embrace the Dance

Embrace the Dance 

Embrace the dance, profess it’s beauty so that others and you can see it clearly.

Dance with and fully embrace wherever It is you’re happen to be placed. Victory belongs to those who choose to dance through the sorrow and waltz into beauty. 

Take the hand of life and go, twirled upon tips of toes, With a firm grasp in this partnership, and what it means to truly live.

Balanced and poised, not happenstance, but form and choice, your specific stance. Do you embrace life whether it’s against your back, or has spun you lose, it is up to you to choose, to forge this life into art. 

Beginning, first with your outlook, head up, chin down, and don’t allow that lip to frown. For joyous fun and love is one when we are partnered with the right One. Who holds and molds our frame, ensuring that the proper steps in life take place, not by chance or random occurrence. But planned out and for a purpose. 

Passion sets alight the eyes, and life is reflected when there is no guise. Choose not to stay on the sides and simply watch life pass you by. It is easy to ignore the music and stay off the dance floor. But spectators we are not, we live but once, so take a shot.

Wrapped around the profound, the steps we choose do abound. Poise is what is released when we are open to being swept off our feet. 

Balance is required, shoulders back yet relaxed, don’t let each moment tax, but flow freely, completely relaxed. Life is worth every step even when it is we learn and may step upon another’s toes, for this is how we learn and this, is how we grow.

Don’t let the frustration at the beginning, stop you from pursuing. Time and patience is something earned in the process of perseverence each step that’s learned. Set in motion, life can be fun, every experience is one to learn from. Poise and Grace are the result of living our lives fully involved.

Joy can’t help but beam and shine, as we twirl, twist and move, erasing doubt that once bloomed. Take the time to find a groove, embrace this life and choose to dance, taking it by the hand with each step. Continue to always capture the view. 

Choose to be captivated with each step and live a life that leaves you breathless. Ecstatic that you took the chance and chose in this life to begin again to dance.........Becky Butler


The woman, is you, is me.
The woman, is you, is me.

The woman with a sunflower woven crown, is you, is me…

Holding a rose taking in the scent, eyes closed to experience completely. 

Unadulterated due to innocence and beauty. May our love waft as prayer before the Throne of Grace, as the fragrance from the Rose does the same…

Earthly reminders that get us through, through to You. Engaging in a Life, well-lived, well loved. Exactly how the Holy Spirit intended.

 Comfort us Lord, with Your Spirit. Breathe Your life into our dry bones. Bring in a season of healing and grace. 

Through You, only through You, Jesus.

-Becky Butler

When He’s at the Helm we need to be at the Hem.
When He’s at the Helm we need to be at the Hem.
Lip Service..
Lip Service..
Alcohol Kills
Alcohol Kills

My love has gone away, the one i woke up to every single day. No more phone calls to be had, its no longer an option now that you’ve passed. 

I cant believe what took you from me, a drink. A single, isolated, solitary drink repeated countless times throughout the day. My truth is my truth and my story plays out this way. No hiding or pretending no one has issues in this crazy, amazing, awful and awe-filled life. 

Our time ticks continually down the hourglass of eternity, waiting for the moment when the book on our journey has closed and every thought has been gleaned. 

What matters are the embers. Burning hot long after the flame is gone. Beauty for ashes thats what You say, I reach for and trust You, Jesus, in every single day. Lord take our residue and purpose it into beauty and grace. Along the way there are things that we have to face and must confront, death is one. Ive learned alot. 

That life in love does not quit when the ticking of the heart has stopped. I carry you through in all that i do, i pray someday my tears wont be so hot, fresh from the news of knowing you’re not. 

 Ill keep you with me for as long as i am, intentionally, and not happenstance.  Thank you for the gift of embrace and the families of love you helped to raise. Remembered always, you’ll never be erased. ………….Becky Butler


How lovely it is to be continually captivated by life, in spite and despite circumstance. 

To be lucid in dream, ever and always awake along the edge of the fray. Color the edge of your world with grace, fulfill life in the space that you take. Imprints forever impressed, because you are here.

Becky Butler



When the things in life we hold close start to fade, know that what is next is Grace. Grace allows beauty to share, amidst the witherings of life. 

We all wilt at some point, and may grace guide us through. God’s truth and love remain unchanged even when OUR circumstance is estranged. When life begins to seemingly mutate, know that the Lord remains the same. Victory, power, strength and grace allow us to let go and reach forward into Hope. 

Hope propels further than flesh can go. Lord guide us on this crazy path ever closer and closer to You. In this truth I reside, for I know You are always and ever by my side. 

I can do all things through you Jesus, strengthen me in this season of grief. Release in me Your perfect peace. Shut the doors that want to draw me from Your beauty, truth, and grace. Lead me on my path, guide me to the doors that You have.

Let me not stare at the closed ones so long that I miss the new ones opening down the hall.

May I not miss out because I've not yet learned, I praise You in the midst of my storm, and I know down the hall You hold for me, far more.

Becky Butler


Hummingbird on a branch.... shrub. Still for a moment, captivated for a lifetime, created to soar. The branch doesnt hold her, for she’s in control of her destiny, forged in the foundations of life and an eternity to fly free. Ordained to fly and do what they were called to. Destiny fulfiled. We all have our branch upon which we reside, it can be anything of your choosing. This is My Branch to hold on to, to ready me to soar.

Psalms 80:14 & 15 Returnwe beseech thee, O God of hostslook down from heavenand beholdand visit this vine;

    15 And the vineyard which thy right handhath plantedand the branch that thou madest strong

becky butler

Check your Blind Spot...
Check your Blind Spot...

influence in the present, contained in the now, your loveliness blossoms.

I’m grateful that God gave you to us for as many Seasons as He did. I’m thankful that He placed you in THIS life. I’m glad He placed you in OUR lives.

We are blessed and bettered by your example of the touch of love in the life of another and you’re

An Artist’s Blessing…
An Artist’s Blessing…
Purple Hues Purple Hues Purple Hues Purple Hues
Purple Hues

Purple hues relax and soothe, through the odiferous song of the lilac’s bloom. Serenity now takes its place, as we stand in love, and relish His Grace. 

Fragranced beauty, intoxicating and serene, remember Who it is, our recompense. Our Hope in Life. Our promise lies in His truth. 

Don’t limit God by leaving him out of the equation, factor in His ‘dunamis ’ power and watch Him move, arrange and settle things in you.

Again, it’s a leap, a leap of faith. A leap of blind trust. You know you’re falling and someone is supposed to catch you, but will they? Can they bear your weight confidently? Not sure? It’s a trust fall, It’s a leap of faith. 

And we find ourselves in life at those times we are waiting to jump but are afraid to soar. Unknown, no real experience, no purpose, aimless, restless, wreckless. 

Because that’s not automatic, it’s very much a choice and the exponential growth within a wonderful admission of maturity and grace. Soar my friend, you earned it.

Becky Butler

Nov 2023
Nov 2023
All five books are available on Amazon.com
All five books are available on Amazon.com

Already getting into my sixth. Writing keeps me. Perspective.

Psalms 46:10


The gears, like jewels stored in a wooden box waiting to be happened upon, to be shown again, and be useful once more.

Even in wreckage she is useful for there is beauty in the stillness. Revelation held in the gems hidden all throughout. 

Once again her beauty shines. Once again her memory is revived. She is not forgotten. Once again she has purpose. There is value despite her brokenness.  Just like us. Just like us.....beckybutler

Wisdom Gained…
Wisdom Gained…

Wisdom, gained, in a

lifetime loved, lost, & pained. 

The way to go, found whence lost. 

How clearly we see things after the dark.  

Paths forged in blind exuberance,

can leave us trapped, and lose our chance,

to get through and get it right, just so we

won't be alone at night. 

But what is true is found in you, 

it's there and been all along,

but we're too hurried to stop to hear from,

our conscience and what we know, 

ought be the way to go....

patience is a virtue, 

but at times tests our trust, 

for when we feel that we must, 

make things happen on our own, 

instead of allowing time to grow, 

into what it needs be,

Genuine, real, stability.

-Becky Butler


This is the day, that the Lord has made. This is the day, that the Lord has made. This is the day, that the Lord has made.
This is the day, that the Lord has made.
My favorite line in a poem of another writer.
My favorite line in a poem of another writer.
About About

I havé written and published six books so far. I have written all of my life. I have both fiction and nonfiction work. I’m currently working on a book of articles and poems. Just finishing up my my 6th book. “Season of Grace”. So that should be coming soon in the next month or so available on Amazon and Kindle, upon release.

I have been writing all of my life, and that’s how I process and get through. I am truly thankful for the craft.

i am blessed and i know the importance of the of prayer. The power that comes from being before Jesus, in response to my circumstance, All of His word is a benefit to me. I am blessed.

Becky Butler
Becky Butler

I need to manage correctly the things under my charge. 

Releasing Serenity within the deep. Flow and Release. Allow your presence to affect your surroundings. 

Impact your world with the gifting contained within the very essence of who you are.

Look at yourself as the gift that you are, contribute what you need to contribute to make the difference.

The difference that only you can make, as only you carry your truth from your wellspring of life.

Lifetimes are lived in minutes, hours, months and days…Contained in a breath so deep that it fuses you together on the inside.. 

An amalgam of love and life created in one Spirit, open before the Lord…

You have a blessed dynamic that will transform your world. You are an anchor of hope for your family. God honors the vows that are taken in His name.

Love is a gift that not all can afford to give or it is given in a somewhat counterfeit fashion. A version, but no validity, where nothing is created.

Where there’s nothing to stand on. No one to stand with, being alone in a room full of people is one of the worst solitary feelings and God said it is not good for man to be alone. 

So much so, that He, HE creates for us a help meet. Another to help us through, another to walk alongside, to help us up when we fall, as we will fall and get tripped up. Thankfully, we are not on our own, left to our own devices. We have the wisdom of our helpers, to motivate us through. To sustain the days that are too heavy and buckle our knees. 

A help meet. 

A helpmeet, a truss-beam. A support. We all NEED support. We all need to give support. It is a definite two way reciprocal street and God arises in the midst, knitting heart’s and unifying mind’s.

United, strengthened by being there. Help is a gift and ministry from above, may we Honor it as sacred, for it is just that.

Becky Butler


~*Perseverant Notions*~ I don’t want to be caught up in circumstance…(more below)
~*Perseverant Notions*~ I don’t want to be caught up in circumstance…(more below)
Becky Butler

~*Perseverant Notions*~

I don’t want to be caught up in circumstance and ignorant to distractions, frustrations and setbacks. Remind me again how we jumpstart because right now a Spark is no where to be found….

I do watch quite a lot of Steve Harvey’s motivated segments after his shows. He wallops with nuggets of truth not just transcendent and piercing, but that also massage our stony hearts. Making them soft again, malleable.

But, I had to learn to limit my talking circle to heal ,  

when I’m ready I’ll let people know. By the way I wrote a book last year. I’m gonna show up for this year and write another book that we’re about to publish. I’m gonna show up this year. I’m gonna show up for me!

 People don’t know but it’s because I have to speak it to the right people, speaking to people who are going to edify and build up and help me create a project versus throw stones and cause me to fall under the weight of my dream, building a Play structure where my heart now lay. Crushed, defeated and to them, in it’s place. 

Outline how things need to be done. I’ll do this and I’ll just say no to this. This is published, and that was published for the website.  Different things that I try not to put my eggs in the same basket and I try not to put things out there before they’re ready, before I’m ready. 

 I’ve learned to be a more patient and persevering person. There is real thank you to God for persevering in the midst of my many notions. 

 -Becky Butler

Expectation sustains Vision. Hope propels further than flesh can go.

As I was lying here with my headset on, I didn't hear those familiar footsteps of desire coming down the hallway. I didn't feel the glide along the wall as we kissed against it. I didn't feel the life in your arms as you held me until our love was complete. 

I didn't feel it because you're so far away. And it's hard. Expectation sustains Vision. I  look forward, as not to be lost and rummaging in the past. 

Reflect on the past, but don't obsess over yesterday—project towards the future and be present in today enough for today.

 There are reflections, accomplishments, and goals in that order. We are separated and distanced by land and sea, until it is no longer deemed necessary.

I know you will return to me. Until then, my heart will ache. It beats a melody just for you. Increase my heart rate, as only you can do. I love you. I miss you. I thank Jesus for you. I am praying for you. 

You are mine, and I am yours, from the beginning to our core. We are one, united in love. We are God’s. Blessed, Fortunate, and Graced.

-Becky Butler


Write for Life By Julie Cameron Ok, God you take over the quality, and I’ll work on the quantity.

Write for Life

By Julie Cameron

Ok, God you take over the quality, and I’ll work on the quantity.

-Julie Cameron ‘Write for Life’


-Allow Reflection to Reveal the Authentication of who it is we are before the Throne room of Grace.~bb

I will start with a quote that I had heard recently ‘Be what you're good at. Not what you want to be.’ by Tanya Coles @MsColes77 on her Swellcast.


It made me think of how settling into stability can be. We all need a life line in our lives, even if unbeknownst to us.’

The impact held in a prayer, in a written piece, a catharthis in a moment’s breath. The cherished space of exhale in life.

Generational Blessings produce much fruit, and it starts with us enveloped within the realm of God’s healing and the Holy Spirit sealing us in His Grace.

His boundaries are good, conceived for stability, placed for our benefit, established in Jesus’ power and might.

 Chaos within is not a home of security. Seek Him, His will, His truth, become enraptured by the very colors of His Grace extended within our lives.

Be mindful, and moved by others who are walking in their state of grace and provision for their state of need.

Testimonies are crafted this way. 

What’s yours?

Need (Not, Want) -

Need stirs up the depths of Faith. Faith provides a safe place to reveal in comfort, to handle the delicacies of life,  that God has crafted our healing within, making His  way into our Spirit, making the difference for us and those that we impact.

In the mind things just flow. Ethereally, above the clouds, with wisps of gold, woven through as we take it all in. Near the water's edge. 

Communing with nature. Lord, Thank you for Your gift of nature and all the scenery that You place in the authentification of our lives. May that continue in Jesus name, as we continue on and forward In Jesus Name.

-Becky Butler

Thankyou Tanya......🌻
